You must grant all the listed permissions for Affixa to work.
Starting June 17, 2024, Google will enable granular consent. This means that whenever Affixa asks for permission to access Gmail on your behalf, you will receive a screen similar to the following:
In this new version of the consent screen, you must explicitly opt into each permission required by Affixa.
You must agree to both of the two permissions for Affixa to work.
If you only choose one of the two permissions - or none - you will receive the message "You must grant all the listed permissions for Affixa to work".
The only way of resolving this is to do as directed: approve both permissions.
The reason Affixa requires the two different permissions is as follows:
- See, edit, create or change your email settings and filters in Gmail - Affixa uses this to retrieve your email signature for inclusion in draft messages. Affixa doesn't use this for anything else, and won't look at or change any other settings or filters.
- Manage drafts and send emails - Affixa uses this to create draft messages or send messages on your behalf.